The cost of a certain new car is g dollars. The car is on sale for h% off this price. What is the total cost of the car on sale after the addition of 7% sales tax?

To find the total cost of the car on sale after the addition of 7% sales tax, we need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount
To find the discount amount, we'll multiply the original price by the discount percentage. Since the discount is given in terms of a percent, we first need to convert it to a decimal by dividing by 100.

Discount amount = (h/100) * g

Step 2: Calculate the sale price
The sale price is the original price minus the discount amount.

Sale price = g - (h/100) * g

Step 3: Calculate the sales tax amount
To find the sales tax amount, we'll multiply the sale price by the sales tax rate. Since the sales tax is given in terms of a percent, we convert it to a decimal by dividing by 100.

Sales tax amount = (7/100) * (g - (h/100) * g)

Step 4: Calculate the total cost of the car on sale
The total cost is the sale price plus the sales tax amount.

Total cost = Sale price + Sales tax amount
= (g - (h/100) * g) + (7/100) * (g - (h/100) * g)

By following these steps, you can find the total cost of the car on sale after the addition of 7% sales tax.
