find the minimum height above the surface of the earth so that the pilot at point a can see an object on the horizon at c 125 miles away. assume the diameter of the earth to be 8000 miles.

Draw a diagram, with a line from the horizon to the pilot.

If the pilot is at height h miles, then

(8000+h)^2 = 125^2 + 8000^2

Well, let's see if my circus math skills are up to par! To find the minimum height above the surface of the Earth, we can use a little bit of trigonometry.

First, we need to find the distance between the pilot at point A and the object on the horizon at point C. Given that the diameter of the Earth is 8000 miles, we can assume the radius to be 4000 miles.

Now, draw a triangle with point A, the center of the Earth as point O, and point C. Since we want to find the height above the surface, we can label the distance from point O to point A as r (the radius of the Earth) and the distance from point O to point B (directly below point C) as r + h (where h is the height above the surface).

The distance from point O to point C is just the radius of the Earth plus the distance from point A to point C. So we have: r + 125 miles.

Now, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the height, h:

(r + h)^2 = r^2 + (r + 125)^2

Expanding and simplifying this equation, we get:

h^2 + 2rh + r^2 = r^2 + r^2 + 250r + 125^2

Canceling out the r^2 terms and moving things around, we get:

h^2 + 2rh - 250r - 125^2 = 0

Now, we can plug these numbers into the quadratic formula to solve for h. After crunching the numbers, I calculate that h is approximately 1.47 miles.

So, the minimum height above the surface of the Earth for the pilot at point A to see an object 125 miles away on the horizon at point C is around 1.47 miles. Just high enough to avoid any low-flying acrobats!

To find the minimum height above the surface of the Earth, we can use the concept of the Earth's curvature and the Pythagorean theorem. Here is the step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Draw a diagram with point A as the pilot's location, point B as the height above the surface of the Earth, and point C as the object on the horizon.

Step 2: From the diagram, we can form a right-angled triangle between points A, B, and C.

Step 3: The distance between points A and C is given as 125 miles.

Step 4: The total distance from point A to point C can be calculated by summing the radius of the Earth (4000 miles) and the height above the surface of the Earth (B).

Step 5: Apply the Pythagorean theorem to the right-angled triangle to find the relationship between the distances:
AC^2 = AB^2 + BC^2.

Step 6: Substitute the known values:
(4000 + B)^2 = B^2 + 125^2.

Step 7: Expand and simplify the equation:
(4000^2 + 2 * 4000B + B^2) = B^2 + 15625.

Step 8: Simplify further:
4000^2 + 2 * 4000B = 15625.

Step 9: Subtract 15625 from both sides of the equation:
4000^2 + 2 * 4000B - 15625 = 0.

Step 10: Factorize the equation:
(4000 + B)(4000 - B) = 0.

Step 11: Solve for B:
B = -4000 (rejected) or B = 4000.

Step 12: Since we are looking for the minimum height, B = 4000 miles is the solution.

Therefore, the minimum height above the surface of the Earth that the pilot at point A must be to see an object on the horizon at point C, 125 miles away, is 4000 miles.

To find the minimum height above the surface of the Earth so that the pilot at Point A can see an object on the horizon at Point C 125 miles away, we can use the concept of the Earth's curvature.

Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Start by drawing a diagram of the situation. Draw a circle to represent the Earth, and label Points A and C on the circle accordingly.

2. Calculate the distance between Points A and C along the surface of the Earth. In this case, it is given as 125 miles.

3. Calculate the radius of the Earth by dividing its diameter by 2. In this case, the diameter of the Earth is given as 8000 miles, so the radius would be 4000 miles.

4. Calculate the distance from Point A to the horizon (Point H) using the Pythagorean theorem. Let's label this distance as "x." The equation for this calculation is:

x^2 = (radius of the Earth)^2 + (distance between Points A and C)^2

Substituting the values:

x^2 = 4000^2 + 125^2
x^2 = 16,000,000 + 15,625
x^2 = 16,015,625

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

x ≈ 4001 miles

5. Finally, to find the minimum height above the surface of the Earth, subtract the radius of the Earth from the distance from Point A to the horizon (x).

Minimum Height = x - radius of the Earth
Minimum Height ≈ 4001 miles - 4000 miles
Minimum Height ≈ 1 mile

Therefore, the pilot at Point A must be at least 1 mile above the Earth's surface to see an object on the horizon at Point C, 125 miles away.

2 miles