As my english is not good, could you please check the grammar of the following sentence. Thank you!!!

What they care about most are money, stock prices and problems concerning about finance. They may never notice that there are lots of social problems which actually need their concern.

What they care about most is money, stock prices and problems concerning finance. They may never notice that there are lots of social problems(COMMA) which actually need their concern.

Make sure that it is clear who the "they" are.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with that. Here's your revised sentence with corrected grammar:

"What they care about most is money, stock prices, and problems concerning finance. They may never notice that there are many social problems that actually need their attention."

To explain how I arrived at these corrections, let's break down the changes:

1. "are" --> "is": Since the subject "What they care about most" is singular, we use the verb "is" instead of "are."

2. "lots of" --> "many": Using "many" instead of "lots of" makes the sentence more concise and precise.

3. "problems concerning about finance" --> "problems concerning finance": "Concerning about finance" is redundant, so we remove the unnecessary preposition "about."

4. "their concern" --> "their attention": This change adds variety to the sentence and makes the meaning clearer.

I hope this helps improve your sentence. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!