walkie talkie phone company charges $18.00 for basic phone service per month and $0.15 per minute for long distance calls. Arena calls charges $80.00 per month with no fee for long distance calls. For what number of minutes of long distance calls is the cost of walkie talkie more then the cost of arena calls?

for m minutes, we want

18.00 + 0.15m > 80.00 + 0m
.15m > 62.00
m > 413.3

or, m >= 414


To determine the number of minutes for which the cost of the Walkie Talkie phone service exceeds the cost of Arena Calls, we need to set up an equation and solve for the unknown variable.

Let's assume the number of minutes for long distance calls is 'm'.

The cost of the Walkie Talkie phone service can be calculated using the formula:
Cost of Walkie Talkie = $18.00 (basic service) + $0.15 (cost per minute) * m (number of minutes)

The cost of Arena Calls is a flat fee of $80.00 per month.

We want to find the number of minutes, 'm', for which the cost of the Walkie Talkie phone service is greater than the cost of Arena Calls. In equation form, this can be expressed as:

$18.00 + $0.15 * m > $80.00

To solve for 'm', we can simplify the equation as follows:

$0.15 * m > $80.00 - $18.00
$0.15 * m > $62.00

Next, we can isolate 'm' by dividing both sides of the inequality by $0.15:

m > $62.00 / $0.15
m > 413.33

Since we cannot have a fraction of a minute, we round up to the nearest whole number of minutes. Therefore, the number of minutes for which the cost of the Walkie Talkie phone service exceeds the cost of Arena Calls is 414 minutes.