What is the correct temporal order by which a child learns to make sense of new information that is unlike anything the child has experienced before?

a. accommodation; disequilibrium; assimilation
b. disequilibrium; accommodation; discrepant event
c. discrepant event; disequilibrium; accommodation
d. disequilibrium; discrepant event; assimilation

What does your book say?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

I disagree.

The discrepant event contains the new information and should be first.

Do you know what "disequilibrium" is?


To determine the correct temporal order by which a child learns to make sense of new information, we can examine the concepts of accommodation, disequilibrium, assimilation, and discrepant event in the context of cognitive development.

Accommodation refers to the process of adjusting existing cognitive structures to incorporate new information that does not fit into existing schemas. It involves modifying one's understanding of the world to accommodate unexpected or novel experiences.

Disequilibrium occurs when a child encounters new information or experiences that do not fit into their existing cognitive structures or schemas. This state of cognitive imbalance motivates the child to seek resolution by either modifying existing schemas through accommodation or creating new schemas.

Assimilation involves integrating new information into existing cognitive structures or schemas. It is the process of understanding and interpreting new experiences in terms of existing knowledge and mental frameworks.

A discrepant event refers to a situation where a child encounters new information that contradicts their existing understanding or expectations. It challenges their existing schemas and can lead to disequilibrium.

Based on these definitions, the correct temporal order by which a child learns to make sense of new information that is unlike anything they have experienced before is:

c. discrepant event; disequilibrium; accommodation

First, the child encounters a discrepant event, which is a situation that contradicts their existing understanding. This leads to a state of disequilibrium, where their existing schemas are challenged and they experience cognitive imbalance. To resolve this state of disequilibrium, the child engages in accommodation, modifying their existing schemas or creating new ones to incorporate the new information.

Therefore, the correct order is: discrepant event -> disequilibrium -> accommodation.