A common misperception among managers is that _______ play is more important, but it's actually

more important for children to have _______ play.
A. structured, unstructured
B. unlimited, limited
C. unstructured, structured
D. limited, unlimited

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the key concepts mentioned in the sentence.

The sentence is comparing two types of play, suggesting that managers tend to favor one type but it's actually more beneficial for children to have the other type. The missing words will indicate the contrasting types of play.

Let's analyze the options to find the correct answer:

A. structured, unstructured
This option suggests that managers may believe structured play is more important, but the sentence implies that the other type is actually more valuable for children. So option A does not match the sentence.

B. unlimited, limited
This option mentions different degrees of play rather than contrasting types. It does not align with the comparison made in the sentence, so option B does not match the sentence.

C. unstructured, structured
This option suggests that managers may perceive structured play as more important, and the sentence supports this statement. It states that unstructured play is actually more important for children. Thus, option C aligns with the sentence and seems to be the correct answer.

D. limited, unlimited
This option introduces a new aspect - the idea of having restrictions on playtime. Since the sentence does not discuss limitations on play, option D does not match the sentence.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is C. unstructured, structured.