
" A man walking down a crowded street noticed a dog lying by the side of the road that looked like it might be injured; but since everyone else just passed by, the man was satisfied to assume that the dog was fine. The next day he learned that the dog had been hit by a car and lay injured for two hours before a concerned man stopped and took it to the vet. The animal recovered, but the man never forgave himself for leaving it for someone else to help."

Assignment: What is your view on individual responsibility in a situation in which many people could have reacted?

Responsibility is usually thought of as a personal thing. Really, it is obligated everywhere we go. The excerpt above describes a man, who feels guilty for not taking his responsibility to help the injured dog. Similarly, I also experienced guilt in my personal experience. Thus, an individual should be responsible regardless whether the circumstances require it or not.

The man in the excerpt was not responsible. He assumed that the dog was all right . Even if the dog was injured, it could have been difficult for the man to help . He might have been afraid of being different. Everyone walked by the dog unconcernly, so he wanted to conform to other's action. This, however, greatly affected the dog. The man allowed it to endure the pain until someone finally took it to the vet. This caused the man to feel guilty.

It is also important to be responsible with disabled people. There was a disabled kid playing basketball. The ball rolled far away from him and no one bothered to pick it up and give it to him. I saw what happened, butI remained still. I even kicked the ball farther way from the disabled kid. I did it because I want to be like other kids. I felt that it was right to do so. Later on, I claimed myself cruel for doing such thing. Why didn't I take my responsibility seriously? I felt guilty. Conformity can block individual responsibility.

Everyone should be responsible for other individuals. The man felt guilty with the dog, and I felt guilty with the disabled kid. Guilt occurs when we conform to the flow. Hence, it is important to take action to help others when they need help and make our life worthy and free of regret.

Really, it is obligated everywhere we go. <~~What does that mean??

taking his responsibility <~~ odd phrasing, non-standard

Thus, an individual should be responsible regardless whether the circumstances require it or not. <~~ What???

The man in the excerpt was not responsible. <~~Do you really mean that? Or do you mean "irresponsible"? There's a difference, you know.

Even if the dog was injured <~~But the dog WAS injured ...

it could have been difficult for the man to help <~~This needs to be explained.

unconcernly <~~nonstandard; not a real word in English

This, however, greatly affected... This caused the man <~~ The vagueness and the repetition of wording reads awkwardly.

I claimed myself cruel <~~nonstandard English

Everyone should be responsible for other individuals. <~~Sweeping generalization; in these papers you need to get rid of the "should" verbs.

Overall, maybe a 3.

The man felt guilty with the dog <~~wrong preposition; nonstandard English

In the given prompt, the man walking down the crowded street noticed a dog that appeared to be injured but chose to assume that the dog was fine because everyone else was also passing by. The next day, the man learned that the dog had been hit by a car and was left injured for two hours before someone finally stopped to help. The man felt guilty for not taking responsibility and leaving the injured dog for someone else to help.

The prompt raises the question of individual responsibility in situations where many people could have reacted. From my perspective, individual responsibility is crucial regardless of the circumstances. It is a personal obligation that we carry with us everywhere we go.

In the case of the man and the injured dog, he failed to fulfill his responsibility. Instead of assessing the situation and taking action to help the dog, he simply assumed that everything was fine. Perhaps he was afraid of standing out or being different from everyone else who walked by unconcerned. He chose to conform to the inaction of others, which had a significant impact on the dog's well-being. It was left in pain for two hours until someone finally stepped up and took it to the vet. This sense of guilt is a consequence of not fulfilling one's responsibility.

I can personally relate to this feeling of guilt and the failure to take responsibility. I once witnessed a disabled child playing basketball. The ball rolled far away from him, and no one bothered to retrieve it and give it back to him. In that moment, I chose to remain still and even kicked the ball farther away from the child. I did this because I wanted to fit in with the other kids and thought it was the right thing to do. However, afterward, I felt immense cruelty and guilt for not taking my responsibility seriously. The desire to conform to societal norms can often hinder individual responsibility.

In any situation, it is crucial for individuals to step up and take responsibility for others, especially those who are in need. The man in the prompt felt great remorse for his inaction, just as I did for mine. Guilt arises when we conform to the flow and neglect our duty to help others. Therefore, it is vital to actively take action and help others when they are in need. By doing so, we can lead a life without regrets and make a positive impact on those around us.