a persons self-esteem is often?

a.based on a biological characteristic
c.positive only
d.made up of attributes admired in others

my answer is d

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze each one:

a. Based on a biological characteristic: Self-esteem is not solely based on biological characteristics such as genetics or physical appearance. While these factors can influence a person's confidence, self-esteem is also shaped by various external factors, experiences, and personal beliefs.

b. Unlearned: Self-esteem is not entirely unlearned. It is developed and nurtured through a combination of innate temperament, childhood experiences, and ongoing social interactions. Some individuals naturally have a higher level of self-esteem, while others may need to work on building and maintaining it.

c. Positive only: Self-esteem can encompass both positive and negative feelings about oneself. It is a multidimensional concept that includes self-respect, self-acceptance, self-worth, and self-belief. While positive self-esteem is desirable, individuals can still have self-esteem despite occasional self-doubt or negative self-perceptions.

d. Made up of attributes admired in others: This option implies that self-esteem is primarily derived from attributing one's worth to the qualities or attributes admired in others. While external influences may shape our aspirations and perceptions, self-esteem is primarily about recognizing and valuing our own unique qualities, accomplishments, and strengths, rather than solely based on what others admire.

Based on the analysis, option d seems to be the most accurate choice. Self-esteem can be influenced by the attributes admired in others, but it is not solely dependent on them. It is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate our own individual attributes and achievements when considering self-esteem.