Which branches of earth science would the hydrosphere interact with? I said biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere.

Is that correct?

Yes, you are correct. The hydrosphere interacts with the biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere in various ways.

The biosphere refers to all living organisms on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. The hydrosphere interacts with the biosphere through processes like photosynthesis, where plants use water from the hydrosphere in combination with sunlight and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce oxygen and organic compounds.

The atmosphere, which is the layer of gases surrounding the Earth, is closely tied to the hydrosphere through processes like evaporation and precipitation. When water from the hydrosphere evaporates, it rises into the atmosphere and forms clouds. Eventually, the water condenses and falls back to the Earth's surface as precipitation, which can take the form of rain, snow, or hail.

The geosphere refers to the solid Earth, including the rocks, minerals, and landforms. The hydrosphere interacts with the geosphere through processes like erosion and weathering. Water from the hydrosphere can erode rocks and form valleys, canyons, and other landforms over long periods of time. It can also dissolve minerals from rocks and transport them to other locations, contributing to the formation of new minerals and soil.

So, your answer is indeed correct: the hydrosphere interacts with the biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere.