Sort with Insertion Sort and Selection Sort algorithms the following list:

329, 364, 373, 334, 320

Give the intermediate lists at each step.

Sure! Let's begin with the Insertion Sort algorithm.

Insertion Sort works by repeatedly comparing the current element with the elements before it in the list, and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. This process is repeated for each element until the entire list is sorted.

Here are the steps for sorting the given list [329, 364, 373, 334, 320] using Insertion Sort:

Step 1:
- Since the first element 329 is already considered sorted, we move to the next element 364.
- Compare 364 with 329. Since 364 is greater, they don't need to be swapped.
- The list remains the same: [329, 364, 373, 334, 320]

Step 2:
- Move to the next element 373.
- Compare 373 with 364. Since 373 is greater, they don't need to be swapped.
- The list remains the same: [329, 364, 373, 334, 320]

Step 3:
- Move to the next element 334.
- Compare 334 with 373. Since 334 is smaller, we swap them.
- The list becomes: [329, 364, 334, 373, 320]

Step 4:
- Compare 334 with 364. Since 334 is smaller, we swap them.
- The list becomes: [329, 334, 364, 373, 320]

Step 5:
- Compare 334 with 329. Since 334 is greater, they don't need to be swapped.
- The list remains the same: [329, 334, 364, 373, 320]

Step 6:
- Move to the next element 320.
- Compare 320 with 373. Since 320 is smaller, we swap them.
- The list becomes: [329, 334, 364, 320, 373]

Step 7:
- Compare 320 with 364. Since 320 is smaller, we swap them.
- The list becomes: [329, 334, 320, 364, 373]

Step 8:
- Compare 320 with 334. Since 320 is smaller, we swap them.
- The list becomes: [329, 320, 334, 364, 373]

Step 9:
- Compare 320 with 329. Since 320 is smaller, we swap them.
- The list becomes: [320, 329, 334, 364, 373]

After Step 9, the list is fully sorted using the Insertion Sort algorithm: [320, 329, 334, 364, 373].