in social learning which one of the following behaviours has a high drive level?

a.eating sweets
b.washing dishes a room
d. running
my answer is d

"a high drive level" is internal rather than being caused by learning from others. Does that help you to choose the right answer?

would it be a

it says in the text that:

the frequency of their behaviour is also directly controlled by how rewarding (reinforceing)or otherwise the result of the behaviour is.some behaviours are highly rewarding to children(e.g. watching tv,eating sweets,playing )and so they are often engaged in high frequency behaviour.other behaviours(e.g. washing dishes,cleaning their room ,doing homeowork )are less rewarding to children and are consequently less ofthen engaged in low frequency behaviour.the level of motivation(drive level)is also relevant to the occurrence of the behaviour.after school behaviours such as running,jumping,shouting ,playing etc. have a high- drive level -not having been indulged in all day.

According to your text, either a or d is correct.

im thinking a ,anyone have any thoughts on this

To determine which behavior has a high drive level in social learning, we can look at the nature of the behavior itself and factors that may influence motivation or drive.

In this case, social learning refers to observing and imitating behaviors of others, which can be influenced by factors like attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. Drive level refers to the internal motivation or desire to engage in a particular behavior.

Let's analyze the given options:

a. Eating sweets: While many people enjoy eating sweets, it is unlikely to have a high drive level in social learning as it is a personal preference and not typically observed and imitated from others.

b. Washing dishes: This behavior is often learned and observed from others, but the drive level may vary depending on individual motivation or attitudes towards cleanliness.

c. Cleaning a room: Similar to washing dishes, cleaning a room can be learned through social observation. The drive level, again, may vary depending on personal motivation and the importance one places on cleanliness.

d. Running: Running appears to be the behavior with the highest potential drive level in social learning. Many people engage in running activities, such as jogging or sprinting, which can be easily observed and imitated from others. Additionally, running is often associated with motivation, fitness, and goal-setting, making it a behavior that may inspire higher drive levels in social learning.

Based on this analysis, it seems reasonable to conclude that option d. Running has a higher potential for a high drive level in social learning compared to the other options provided.