Please help me correct and properly translate the following Spanish paragraph:

Ayer, vi a Martin Luther el sentarse encima de una calabaza grande. Una col cayó del cielo y lo golpeó en la cabeza. Martin Luther estaba enojado en la col y juró en ella. La mayoría de la gente no sabe esto, pero Ralph Waldo Emerson todavía está vivo. Lo encontraron enterrado bajo capa de fango, pero él todavía estaba vivo. Cuando los poachers vinieron robar sus huevos, Ralph Waldo Emerson pidió a Martin Luther ayuda. Martin Luther contó bromas crudas y los poachers salieron. Ése era cuando comencé a bailar y junto con Martin Luther y Ralph Waldo Emerson bailé hasta que era mareado. Después yo comí la col y conté una broma sobre un oso y un bolso de las virutas de patata. Soy feliz ahora. ¿Es usted feliz? Usted debe ser.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. What do you mean by "translate?" You DO it first and then we'll be happy to HELP. This is NOT a translation service!

Line 1, delete "el"
enojado DE la col / le juró a ella
bajo una capa de fango
poachers = los cazadores furtivos
vinieron a robar........are you SURE you mean "huevos???"
le pidió a M. L.
You can repeat the correct word for "poachers" now.

Eso = that wh ole scene NOT ése = which refers to that one specific person
comenzó a bailar = wrong subject/verb agreement

RWE bailoó = again wrong subject/verb agreement
not ser but estar with "mareado."
Después, (comma)
Without the English of what you are trying to say, "un bolso de las virutas de patata" makes no sense to me! (pocket book of potato shavings???)
The last sentence is more likely to be "Usted debe de ser."

There are some other finite corrections but no doubt above your level of study.


Thanks Sra! No, I wasn't asking you to act as a translation service; I just meant that I need to make sure that the sentences read correctly in both Spanish and English.

The "pocket book of potato shavings" should have been a bag of potato chips. How do I say "bag of potato chips?"

Thank you for explaining the "bag of potato chips"

un saco (or un saquito if it's a small bag) de patatas fritas OR patatas fritas de bolsa


Yesterday, I saw Martin Luther sitting on top of a large pumpkin. A cabbage fell from the sky and hit him in the head. Martin Luther was angry and swore at the cabbage. Most people do not know this, but Ralph Waldo Emerson is still alive. He was found buried under a layer of mud, but he was still alive. When Poachers steal the eggs came, Ralph Waldo Emerson Martin Luther asked for help. Martin Luther told crude jokes and Poachers left. That was when I started dancing and along with Martin Luther and Ralph Waldo Emerson I danced until I was dizzy. After I ate the cabbage and told a joke about a bear and a bag of potato chips. I'm happy now. Are you happy? You must be

Sorry, I made a mistake.

INstead of 'When poachers steal the eggs came' it should be 'When poachers come to steal the eggs.'

Yesterday, I saw Martin Luther sitting on top of a big pumpkin. A cabbage fell from the sky and hit him on the head. Martin Luther got angry at the cabbage and swore at it. Most people don't know this, but Ralph Waldo Emerson is still alive. They found him buried under a layer of mud, but he was still alive. When the poachers came to steal his eggs, Ralph Waldo Emerson asked Martin Luther for help. Martin Luther told crude jokes and the poachers left. That's when I started dancing and danced with Martin Luther and Ralph Waldo Emerson until I got dizzy. After that, I ate the cabbage and told a joke about a bear and a bag of potato chips. I am happy now. Are you happy? You should be.

To translate and correct this paragraph, you can use the following steps:
1. Identify any grammatical errors: Review the Spanish paragraph and check for any mistakes in verb conjugation, noun-adjective agreement, or sentence structure.
2. Translate sentence by sentence: Translate each sentence from Spanish to English, ensuring that the meaning is accurately conveyed.
3. Edit for clarity and coherence: Make sure the paragraph flows smoothly in English and adjust the wording if necessary.
4. Review for punctuation and spelling: Double-check for correct punctuation and spelling in the final translation.
5. Share the corrected and translated paragraph: Provide the revised and properly translated paragraph to the requester.

Please note that the original paragraph you provided seems to contain humorous or fictional elements, so the translation might not convey the exact same tone.