a)the E0 for the reactions 2HOCl + 2H+ + 2e- → Cl2 + 2H20 and Cl2 + 2e- → Cl- are 1.63 and 1.396 volts respectively. Write the half reaction of HOCl being reduced to Cl- and develop the full pE/pH equation for this reaction.

b)What is the pE of a HOCl/Cl- solution at pH 9.5 if the total chlorine ([HOCl] + [OCl-]) = 5.6E-5M and [Cl-] = 1.0E-3 M? Note that HOCl ↔H+ + OCl- and pKa for this reaction is 7.5. Would you describe this as an oxidizing or reducing solution?

2HOCl + 2H^+ + 2e ==> Cl2 + 2H2O..Eo=1.63

Cl2 + 2e ==> 2Cl^-..............Eo = 1.369
2HOCl + 4e + 2H^+ ==> Cl2 + 2H2O E=
[(2*1.63)+(2*1.369)/4] = ?

Use the Nernst equation.

After doing the math, how do you figure out if it is oxidizing or reducing?

How does the pKa apply?

a) To write the half reaction of HOCl being reduced to Cl-, we can start with the overall reaction:

2HOCl + 2H+ + 2e- → Cl2 + 2H2O

Since the half reaction involves the reduction of HOCl, the Cl2 and H2O species will be on the product side. The electrons will be on the reactant side, representing the reduction process.

The half reaction of HOCl being reduced to Cl- can be written as:

2HOCl + 2e- → 2Cl- + 2H+

Now, let's develop the full pE/pH equation for this reaction. The general equation is:

E = E0 - (0.0592/n) * log(Q)

where E is the cell potential, E0 is the standard cell potential, n is the number of electrons transferred in the half reaction, and Q is the reaction quotient.

In this case, we have 2 electrons transferred in the half reaction. The reaction quotient, Q, can be expressed as the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants raised to their stoichiometric coefficients:

Q = [Cl-]^2 * [H+]^2 / [HOCl]^2

Since the stoichiometric coefficients for Cl- and H+ are both 2, we have the equation:

E = E0 - (0.0592/2) * log([Cl-]^2 * [H+]^2 / [HOCl]^2)

Simplifying further, we get:

E = E0 - (0.0296) * log([Cl-]^2 * [H+]^2 / [HOCl]^2)

b) To determine the pE of a HOCl/Cl- solution at pH 9.5, we need to calculate the concentration of HOCl and OCl- using the given total chlorine ([HOCl] + [OCl-]) and [Cl-].

[HOCl] + [OCl-] = 5.6E-5 M
[Cl-] = 1.0E-3 M
pKa = 7.5

Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, we can relate the pH and concentrations of HOCl and OCl-:
pH = pKa + log([OCl-]/[HOCl])

We know that [OCl-] + [HOCl] = [HOCl] + [OCl-], so we can rewrite the equation as:
pH = pKa + log([(5.6E-5)-[HOCl)]/[HOCl])

Since the concentration of [OCl-] is negligible compared to [HOCl] and [Cl-], we can approximate [(5.6E-5)-[HOCl)] as 5.6E-5 in this case.

pH = 7.5 + log([Cl-]/[HOCl])

Now, substitute the given [Cl-] and solve for [HOCl] using the equation above:

9.5 = 7.5 + log(1.0E-3/[HOCl])

Subtracting 7.5 from both sides:
2 = log(1.0E-3/[HOCl])

Using the logarithmic property of exponents:
10^2 = 1.0E-3/[HOCl]

100 = 1.0E-3/[HOCl]
100 * [HOCl] = 1.0E-3
[HOCl] = (1.0E-3)/100
[HOCl] = 1.0E-5 M

Now that we have the concentration of [HOCl], we can calculate the pE value using the equation:

pE = -log([HOCl]/[OCl-])

Since [OCl-] = [Cl-] in this case, we get:

pE = -log([HOCl]/[Cl-])
pE = -log((1.0E-5)/(1.0E-3))
pE = -log(1.0E-2)
pE = -(-2)
pE = 2

Based on the obtained pE value of 2, this solution can be described as an oxidizing solution.

a) To write the half reaction of HOCl being reduced to Cl-, we can use the two given reactions:

2HOCl + 2H+ + 2e- → Cl2 + 2H2O (Given: E0 = 1.63 V)
Cl2 + 2e- → 2Cl- (Given: E0 = 1.396 V)

Since the chlorine in HOCl gets reduced to Cl- in the overall reaction, we can subtract the two reactions to obtain the desired half reaction:

2HOCl + 2H+ + 2e- → 2Cl- + 2H2O

To develop the full pE/pH equation for this reaction, we need to use the Nernst equation:

E = E0 - (0.0592/n) * log(Q)

E0 = Standard reduction potential
0.0592 = The constant at 25°C
n = Number of electrons transferred in the reaction
Q = Reaction quotient

For the given half reaction, n = 2 (as indicated by the 2 electrons on both sides of the equation). The reaction quotient Q is given by:

Q = [Cl-] / [HOCl]

Plugging in the values, the full pE/pH equation is:

E = 1.63 - (0.0592/2) * log([Cl-] / [HOCl])

b) To find the pE of the HOCl/Cl- solution at pH 9.5, we need to use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pH = pKa + log ([A-] / [HA])

Here, [A-] represents the concentration of the conjugate base (OCl-) and [HA] represents the concentration of the acid (HOCl). We can rearrange the equation to solve for the ratio [A-] / [HA]:

[A-] / [HA] = 10^(pH - pKa)

Given pKa = 7.5 and pH = 9.5, the ratio [A-] / [HA] is:

[A-] / [HA] = 10^(9.5 - 7.5) = 100

Since we are given that [Cl-] = 1.0E-3 M, we can assume that [HOCl] = [Cl-], as one mole of HOCl dissociates to give one mole of Cl- and one mole of H+. Therefore, [HOCl] = 1.0E-3 M.

Now, we can substitute these values into the equation from part (a):

E = 1.63 - (0.0592/2) * log([Cl-] / [HOCl])

E = 1.63 - (0.0592/2) * log(1.0E-3 / 1.0E-3) = 1.63

Since the pE value is equal to the E value, the pE of the HOCl/Cl- solution at pH 9.5 is 1.63.

To determine whether this solution is oxidizing or reducing, we can compare the calculated pE value (1.63) to the standard pE value for water at pH 9.5. At pH 9.5, the standard pE value of water is 0. Therefore, any pE greater than 0 indicates an oxidizing solution, while any pE less than 0 indicates a reducing solution. In this case, since pE is greater than 0 (1.63 > 0), we can describe this solution as an oxidizing solution.