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For the following exercise, you will need to write a short paragraph of your own. Remember to use the grammar guidelines and sentence consolidation strategies of the previous lessons. This might also be a good opportunity to practice using some of the vocabulary words taught in this course. Type your short paragraph in the text box below. Some example topics are listed below to help you get started.

Topics for a paragraph using an incident:
The first day at a new job
Auditioning for a play
A visit to a new city

Topics for a paragraph using facts or examples:
Organic farming
This season's baseball team
Increasing gas prices

Topics for a paragraph using reasons:
Legalizing gambling
A favorite movie, book, or television program
Cosmetic surgery

Which topic have you chosen?

Increasing gas prices.

To write a short paragraph of your own, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a topic from the given examples that you are most interested in or have knowledge about.

2. Brainstorm some ideas related to the chosen topic. Consider the grammar guidelines and sentence consolidation strategies you have learned, and think about incorporating vocabulary words from the course, if applicable.

3. Structure your paragraph using an introduction, body, and conclusion.

4. In the introduction, provide a brief overview or context for your paragraph.

5. In the body, present your ideas or experiences related to the chosen topic. Use clear and concise sentences, and make sure each sentence is connected to the main idea.

6. Support your ideas with facts, examples, or reasons, depending on the chosen topic. This will help make your paragraph more informative and engaging.

7. In the conclusion, summarize your paragraph and leave a final impression.

8. Proofread your paragraph for any grammatical errors or clarity issues.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Writing paragraphs regularly will help you improve your writing skills.