Multiple Choice:

A die is rolled 600 times. The face with six spots appears 112 times. Is the die biased towards that face, or is this just chance variation? Answer the question in the steps outlined in Problems 1-6.

2) The alternative hypothesis is

a) The die is biased

b) The chance that the face with six spots appears is greater than 1/6

c) The chance that the face with six spots appears is equal to 112/600

d) The proportion of times the face with six spots appears is equal to 112/600

I believe is c. Is it correct?

no its D

why D?

No, option c is not the correct answer. The correct answer is b) The chance that the face with six spots appears is greater than 1/6.

To determine whether the die is biased towards the face with six spots or if the result is due to chance variation, we need to set up null and alternative hypotheses.

The null hypothesis (H0) is a statement of no effect or no difference, while the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is the opposite of the null hypothesis, stating that there is an effect or difference.

In this case, the null hypothesis (H0) would be that the die is fair and not biased towards any face. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) would be that the die is biased towards the face with six spots.

So, in the given multiple choice options, the correct alternative hypothesis is b) The chance that the face with six spots appears is greater than 1/6. This aligns with the idea that the die is biased towards the face with six spots.

Remember, the alternative hypothesis suggests the opposite of the null hypothesis, which is that there is some bias towards the face with six spots.