a major goal of any curriculum is to enable children to become:

a. divergent thinkers
b. mature adults
c.self focused
d. humanist

a. divergent thinkers

A major goal of any curriculum is to enable children to become divergent thinkers. Divergent thinking refers to the ability to generate creative solutions, think critically, and approach problems from different perspectives. This skill is essential in today's rapidly changing world, as it fosters innovation, adaptability, and the ability to tackle complex challenges. By promoting divergent thinking, a curriculum aims to empower children to think outside the box, explore multiple possibilities, and develop their problem-solving skills.

A major goal of any curriculum is to enable children to become:

a. divergent thinkers

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the terms and goals associated with a curriculum. A curriculum refers to the set of courses, subjects, and learning experiences that are planned and organized in an educational institution. The goal of a curriculum is to guide and shape students' learning, equipping them with knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for their personal and intellectual development.

1. Divergent thinkers: This term refers to individuals who are capable of generating multiple ideas, perspectives, and solutions to a given problem. Divergent thinking encourages creativity, innovation, and open-mindedness.

2. Mature adults: This term emphasizes the development of skills and attributes necessary for successful adult life, such as critical thinking, emotional intelligence, problem-solving ability, effective communication, and ethical decision-making.

3. Self-focused: This term implies an inward focus on oneself. While self-awareness and self-reflection are important aspects of personal growth, a curriculum typically aims to foster a broader perspective, including interpersonal skills and a sense of social responsibility.

4. Humanist: This term relates to an individual who values and respects human dignity, ethics, and the potential for personal growth and fulfillment. Humanist approaches to education prioritize the holistic development of individuals, fostering their intellectual, emotional, and social well-being.

Given the above definitions and considerations, the most appropriate answer would be:

a. divergent thinkers

A curriculum should create an environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving, allowing children to explore various perspectives and generate innovative ideas. By fostering divergent thinking, students can become independent, flexible, and adaptable thinkers, able to tackle complex challenges and contribute to society in meaningful ways.