On a hot summer day (30 degrees Celsius), a pesky little mosquito produced its warning sound near your ear. The sound is produced by the beating of its wings at a rate of about 600 wings beats per second. What is the frequency in Hertz of the sound wave? What is the wavelenght of the wave?

frequency = 600 Hertz (beats per second)

= (speed of sound)/(frequency)
= (340m/s)/600 (s^-1) = 0.57 m

To find the frequency and wavelength of the sound wave produced by the mosquito, we can use the formula:

Frequency (f) = Number of cycles / Time

1. Let's start by calculating the frequency using the given information that the mosquito beats its wings at a rate of 600 beats per second:

Frequency (f) = 600 beats/second

2. The frequency is the number of cycles per second, which is measured in Hertz (Hz). Therefore, the frequency of the sound wave produced by the mosquito is 600 Hz.

Next, we can calculate the wavelength of the sound wave using the formula:

Wavelength (λ) = Speed (v) / Frequency (f)

3. The speed of sound in the air is approximately 343 meters per second at 30 degrees Celsius. We can use this value for speed.

Wavelength (λ) = 343 m/s / 600 Hz

4. Now, let's calculate the wavelength:

Wavelength (λ) = 0.571 m

Therefore, the frequency of the sound wave produced by the mosquito is 600 Hz, and the wavelength of the wave is approximately 0.571 meters.

To find the frequency in Hertz (Hz) of the sound wave produced by the mosquito's wings, you can use the equation:

Frequency = Number of wings beats / Time

The number of wings beats in this case is given as 600 beats per second. Therefore, the frequency is 600 Hz.

Now, to find the wavelength of the wave, we can use the formula:

Wavelength = Speed of Sound / Frequency

The speed of sound in air at room temperature is approximately 343 meters per second. Converting this to centimeters per second, we get 34300 cm/s.

So, the wavelength of the wave can be calculated:

Wavelength = 34300 cm/s / 600 Hz

Wavelength = 57.167 cm (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, the frequency of the sound wave produced by the mosquito's wings is 600 Hz, and the wavelength of the wave is approximately 57.167 cm.