1.Think of a marriage ceremony you have attended or know about. Briefly describe ONE ritual that was part of the ceremony.

2.Explain how the ritual in question 1 emphasizes the seriousness of the change taking place

What don't you understand about this assignment?

I don't understand what is actually required. I know nothing about rituals on traditional and modern weddings


What country are you in?

Have you ever attended a wedding?

1. One ritual that is often part of a marriage ceremony is the exchanging of wedding rings. During this ritual, the couple exchanges rings, typically made of precious metals like gold or platinum, as a symbol of their commitment and love for each other.

2. The ritual of exchanging wedding rings emphasizes the seriousness of the change taking place in several ways. Firstly, the rings themselves symbolize the everlasting nature of the couple's commitment. The circular shape of the ring has no beginning or end, symbolizing the enduring love and unity between the couple.

Secondly, the act of physically exchanging rings is a public declaration of the couple's intention to spend the rest of their lives together. It serves as a visible and tangible reminder of their vows, as well as a symbol of the bond they share.

Additionally, the exchange of rings often involves a spoken vow or promise made by the couple, further highlighting the seriousness of the commitment being made. These vows are usually witnessed by friends, family, and sometimes even religious officials, demonstrating the significance of the occasion in front of others.

Overall, the ritual of exchanging wedding rings emphasizes the symbolic and tangible representation of the couple's commitment, reinforcing the serious nature of the change in their marital status.