The speaker is the ____________ of the message.

A. decoder

B. encoder

C. transmitter (NOT C)

D. channel

If it is not C, then B is the next closest.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the roles involved in the communication process.

The encoder is responsible for taking the information or message and converting it into a format that can be transmitted. This could involve any kind of encoding, such as converting spoken words into written text or encoding data into a digital format.

The transmitter is the device or medium that sends the encoded message through a channel. It could be a person speaking, a smartphone sending a text message, or a satellite transmitting signals.

The channel is the pathway through which the encoded message travels. It could be a physical medium like air, wires, or optical fibers, or it could be a wireless medium.

The decoder, on the other hand, is responsible for receiving the encoded message and converting it back into a format that can be understood by the recipient. This could involve decoding the text message into spoken words or converting digital data into meaningful information.

In this case, the correct answer would be B. The encoder is the one who converts the message into an encoded format, while the decoder is the one who converts it back into its original form.