a baby weight only 9.9 ounces at birth. how much lighter was she than an average baby who weighs about 7 lb 8 ounces

To determine how much lighter the baby was compared to an average baby, we need to convert the weights to the same unit.

First, let's convert the weight of the average baby from pounds and ounces to ounces.

The average baby weight is 7 pounds 8 ounces, which is equal to (7 * 16) + 8 = 120 ounces.

Now, we can calculate the difference between the baby's weight and the average baby's weight:

120 ounces (average baby's weight) - 9.9 ounces (baby's weight) = 110.1 ounces.

Therefore, the baby is 110.1 ounces lighter than an average baby that weighs about 7 lb 8 ounces.

To determine how much lighter the baby weighing 9.9 ounces was compared to an average baby weighing about 7 lb 8 ounces, we need to convert both weights into a consistent unit of measurement. Let's convert the weights to ounces.

First, we need to convert 7 lb 8 ounces into ounces. Since 1 pound equals 16 ounces, we can calculate as follows:
7 lb = 7 * 16 = 112 ounces
Therefore, the average baby weighs 112 + 8 = 120 ounces.

Now, we can compare the weights:
Weight of the average baby: 120 ounces
Weight of the baby in question: 9.9 ounces

To find the difference, we subtract the weight of the baby in question (9.9 ounces) from the weight of the average baby (120 ounces):
120 - 9.9 = 110.1

Therefore, the baby weighing 9.9 ounces at birth was approximately 110.1 ounces (about 6 lb 14.1 ounces) lighter than the average baby.

What an odd mixture of units, decimal places in the imperial system ?

anyway ....

difference in weight
= 7 lb 8 ounces - 9.9 ounces
= 120 ounces - 9.9 ounces
= 110.1 ounces
= 6 lb 14.1 ounces