The "random" numbers produced by computers aren't purely random. They are actually pseudo-random, meaning that they are produced by mathematical formulas that simulate randomness.The linear congruential generator takes a seed X0 and generates subsequent pseudo-random numbers using the formula:

Xn+1=(aXn+c) mod m

X1 is the first pseudo-random number generated, X2 is the second, and so on. Let R be the 2000th pseudo-random number generated by the linear congruential generator when X0=42, a=25, c=31, and m=2^20. What are the last three digits of R?


If the question asks for the last digits, you could code and evaluate the recursive formula to get the results.

If you would like a check, you are welcome. The sum of the 3 last digits is 20.

To find the last three digits of R, we need to calculate the value of R using the given formula for the linear congruential generator.

Xn+1 = (aXn + c) mod m

X0 = 42
a = 25
c = 31
m = 2^20

First, let's calculate X1 using the formula:

X1 = (25 * 42 + 31) mod (2^20)
= (1050 + 31) mod 1048576
= 1081 mod 1048576
= 1081

Now, let's calculate X2 using X1:

X2 = (25 * 1081 + 31) mod (2^20)
= (27025 + 31) mod 1048576
= 27056 mod 1048576
= 27056

We need to repeat this process till we reach the 2000th pseudo-random number. However, calculating each step manually would be time-consuming and not efficient. Instead, we can use a programming language or a calculator that supports modular arithmetic.

Using a programming language like Python, we can write a code to calculate the 2000th pseudo-random number. Here's an example code in Python:

def linear_congruential_generator(X0, a, c, m, n):
Xn = X0
for _ in range(n):
Xn = (a * Xn + c) % m
return Xn

X0 = 42
a = 25
c = 31
m = 2**20
n = 2000

R = linear_congruential_generator(X0, a, c, m, n)


After running the code, the value of R will be the 2000th pseudo-random number generated by the linear congruential generator.

Finally, to find the last three digits of R, we can use the modulo operator (%) to obtain the remainder when dividing R by 1000:

last_three_digits = R % 1000

So, the last three digits of R are the value of `last_three_digits`.