The average temperature for the month of April is 65 degrees. The temperatures ranged from 12 degrees warmer or colder. Write and solve an absolute value equation to represent this information. Write you answer in a sentence format to explain your answer.

65-12 <= T <= 65+12, so

|T-65| <= 12

To represent the information that the temperatures in April ranged from 12 degrees warmer or colder than the average temperature of 65 degrees, we can write an absolute value equation.

Let's assume "x" represents the difference of the temperatures from the average.

The absolute value equation can be written as:

| x | = 12

To solve this equation, we need to find the values of "x" that satisfy the equation.

Since absolute value is always positive, we can have two cases:

1) x = 12: This means that the temperature was 12 degrees warmer than the average temperature.

2) -x = 12: This means that the temperature was 12 degrees colder than the average temperature.

So, the solution to the absolute value equation is that the temperatures in April can be either 12 degrees warmer or 12 degrees colder than the average temperature of 65 degrees.