Hi i was wondering what the square root of 3 times the squareroot of 9 is with little 3's on on the outside of the square roots for each of them ( the index)

sqrt3 *(sqrt9)= 3sqrt3

Is that little 3 a cube root sign? If so, then a number to the 1/3 power is the same as the cube root.
(3)1/3*(9)1/3 = 1*3=3

Yes, you are correct! The little "3" outside the square root symbol represents the index or root, in this case, the cube root. The cube root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself three times, gives the original number.

To calculate the square root of 3 times the square root of 9 with little "3" as the cube root sign, you can break it down step by step:

1. Start by evaluating the cube root of 3: (3)1/3.
- The cube root of 3 is 1, as 1*1*1 = 1.

2. Next, evaluate the cube root of 9: (9)1/3.
- The cube root of 9 is 2, as 2*2*2 = 8.

3. Now, multiply the results together: 1 * 2 = 2.

So, the square root of 3 times the square root of 9 with little "3" as the cube root sign is equal to 2.