In the number 13,407.036 there are two 3s. Explain how the values of the 3s are related. Thanks

To determine the relationship between the two 3s in the number 13,407.036, we need to understand the place value system. In our decimal system, each digit holds a specific value based on its position.

Let's break down the number into its place values:

- The digit 3 in the thousands place has a value of 3,000
- The digit 3 in the ones place has a value of 3

Although both digits are 3s, they have different values because of their positions. The first 3, which is in the thousands place, represents 3,000. On the other hand, the second 3, in the ones place, represents just 3.

Therefore, the two 3s in the number 13,407.036 have different values based on their positions within the number.