Determine whether the definition below is denotative or connotative

Gray: A cold, glommy day.
A. connotative
B. Denotative

i think its A

I agree.

To determine whether the definition provided is denotative or connotative, we first need to understand the difference between the two.

Denotative meaning refers to the objective or literal definition of a word. It is the specific, straightforward definition that you can find in a dictionary. On the other hand, connotative meaning refers to the subjective or emotional associations, feelings, or ideas that a word may evoke.

In the given definition, "gray" is described as "A cold, gloomy day." This description goes beyond the objective or literal definition of the word "gray" and adds a subjective and emotional element. It suggests that when we think of gray, we also imagine it to be associated with coldness and gloominess.

Based on this analysis, the definition provided is connotative (Option A).