The maximum temperature on Thursday was 18 degree celsius.On Friday it increased by 0.5 degree celsius. It further increased by 2.5 degree celsius on Saturday. What was the minimum temperature on Saturday ?.


To find the minimum temperature on Saturday, we need to know the starting temperature on Friday before it increased by 0.5 degrees Celsius. Can you provide that information?

To find the minimum temperature on Saturday, we need to consider the increase in temperature from Thursday to Saturday.

Maximum temperature on Thursday = 18 degree Celsius
Increase on Friday = 0.5 degree Celsius
Increase on Saturday = 2.5 degree Celsius

To find the maximum temperature on Saturday, we add the increases to the temperature on Thursday:
18 + 0.5 + 2.5 = 21 degree Celsius

Since the question asks for the minimum temperature on Saturday, we subtract the increase on Saturday from the maximum temperature on Saturday:
21 - 2.5 = 18.5 degree Celsius

Therefore, the minimum temperature on Saturday is 18.5 degree Celsius.