Joe and Sam went to a canoe rental store. the sign read "canoe rentals: $10 canoe insurance fee plus $15 per hour". Joe and Sam wanted to know how much it would cost for them to rent the canoe for different numbers of hours, so they made a table and recorded the cost of 1-5 hours.

What is your question?

the rate and the beginning value

1 hour = 10 + 15

2 hours = 10 + 30
3 hours = 10 + 45


To determine the cost of renting the canoe for different numbers of hours, Joe and Sam properly recorded the cost for 1-5 hours in a table. First, let's understand the pricing structure mentioned in the sign:

- Canoe insurance fee: $10 (This is a one-time fee that needs to be paid regardless of the duration.)
- Hourly rental cost: $15 per hour (This cost is multiplied by the number of hours rented.)

Using this information, let's calculate the cost for 1-5 hours:

- For 1 hour:
- Canoe insurance fee: $10
- Hourly rental cost: $15 x 1 = $15
- Total cost = Canoe insurance fee + Hourly rental cost = $10 + $15 = $25

- For 2 hours:
- Canoe insurance fee: $10
- Hourly rental cost: $15 x 2 = $30
- Total cost = $10 + $30 = $40

- For 3 hours:
- Canoe insurance fee: $10
- Hourly rental cost: $15 x 3 = $45
- Total cost = $10 + $45 = $55

- For 4 hours:
- Canoe insurance fee: $10
- Hourly rental cost: $15 x 4 = $60
- Total cost = $10 + $60 = $70

- For 5 hours:
- Canoe insurance fee: $10
- Hourly rental cost: $15 x 5 = $75
- Total cost = $10 + $75 = $85

So, the cost of renting the canoe for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours is $25, $40, $55, $70, and $85 respectively.