what is the theme of mary, lady chudleight's poem "to the Ladies>" what advice does she give to women

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Yes but i honestly do not understand it.

Tell me in YOUR words what she means in the first 4 lines:

Wife and Servant are the same,
But only differ in the Name:
For when that fatal Knot is ty'd,
Which nothing, nothing can divide:

And these lines? I think these are VERY clear:

Like Mutes she Signs alone must make,
And never any Freedom take:
But still be govern'd by a Nod, [15]
And fear her Husband as her God:
Him still must serve, him still obey,
And nothing act, and nothing say,
But what her haughty Lord thinks fit,

(I've put some obvious thoughts in bold!!)

And here's her advice to women:

Then shun, oh! shun that wretched State,
And all the fawning Flatt'rers hate:
Value your selves, and Men despise,
You must be proud, if you'll be wise.

Do you know what "shun" means?

The theme of Mary, Lady Chudleigh's poem "To the Ladies" revolves around the societal expectations and restrictions placed on women in the 17th century. In this poem, she offers advice to women on how to navigate and challenge these limitations.

To determine the theme of the poem and understand the advice Lady Chudleigh gives to women, we can follow a few steps:

1. Read the poem: Start by finding and reading the poem "To the Ladies" by Mary, Lady Chudleigh. This will allow you to analyze its contents and identify key ideas.

2. Identify recurring motifs and imagery: Look for repeated ideas, images, or metaphors in the poem. These often provide clues to the underlying theme. For instance, in "To the Ladies," Lady Chudleigh frequently discusses the expectations of marriage, the role of women within society, and the societal pressures faced by women.

3. Analyze the author's tone and language: Pay attention to the author's attitude and choice of words. Are they empowering, critical, or cautionary? In "To the Ladies," Lady Chudleigh's tone can be described as assertive and critical of the unequal treatment of women.

4. Consider the historical context: Understanding the social and historical context in which the poem was written can provide insights into the theme and the advice given. Lady Chudleigh composed this poem in the late 17th century, when women's roles were primarily limited to domesticity and motherhood. Her advice seeks to challenge these limitations and encourage women to seek personal fulfillment beyond societal expectations.

By following these steps, you can gather the necessary information to identify the theme and examine the advice Mary, Lady Chudleigh provides to women in her poem "To the Ladies."