1. Negative Absolute Value x+4 ABV<-4

2. 3 ABV x-6 ABV greater than or equal to -2

Don't know what you have against symbols, but if I interpret your words correctly, we have

-|x+4| < -4
|x+4| > 4

Now, since
|n| = n if n>=0
|n| = -n if n<0, we have two cases:

x+4 > 0 (that is, x > -4)
x+4 > 4
x > 0

x+4 < 0 (that is, x < -4)
-(x+4) > 4
x+4 < -4
x < -8

So, the solution set is x < -8 or x > 0

Think about the shape of the graph.
f(x) = -|x+4| is an upside-down V shape, so if you want it to be less than -4, draw a line at y = -4, and you will see that the region where the graph is below the line is what we calculated above.

Work the other the same way:
3|x-6| >= -2

Is this correct?



To solve these absolute value inequalities, we need to isolate the absolute value expressions and consider their positive and negative cases separately. Let's solve each inequality step by step:

1. Negative Absolute Value (x + 4) ABV < -4:

a) Considering the positive case:
x + 4 < -4
Solving for x:
x < -4 -4
x < -8

b) Considering the negative case:
-(x + 4) < -4
Multiplying both sides by -1 (which reverses the inequality direction):
x + 4 > 4
Solving for x:
x > 4 - 4
x > 0

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x < -8 or x > 0.

2. 3 ABV x - 6 ABV ≥ -2:

a) Considering the positive case:
3(x) - 6(x) ≥ -2
3x - 6x ≥ -2
-3x ≥ -2

Dividing both sides by -3 (which reverses the inequality direction since we are dividing by a negative number):
x ≤ -2/-3
x ≤ 2/3

b) Considering the negative case:
-3(x) - 6(-x) ≥ -2
-3x + 6x ≥ -2
3x ≥ -2

Dividing both sides by 3:
x ≥ -2/3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x ≤ 2/3 or x ≥ -2/3.

Remember to always consider both the positive and negative cases when working with absolute value inequalities to ensure you capture all possible solutions.