What i the story of the last butterfly ?

Book? Story? Song? Poem?

Read widely, and let us know what you decide:



Since this was published in 1990, it's still under copyright and is not available online.


My suggestion to you is that you get the book and read it.

To find the story of the last butterfly, you can search for books, movies, or any other form of media with that title. You can start by using search engines like Google or going to popular online bookstores or movie databases.

If there is a specific author or director associated with the story, it can be helpful to include their name or any additional keywords related to the content. This will provide you with more targeted results and increase the chances of finding the specific story you are referring to.

Remember, the title "The Last Butterfly" may have different interpretations and multiple stories might exist with the same or similar title. So, it's important to read the descriptions, reviews, or summaries to determine if it matches the story you are interested in.