Which of the following diatomic species are paramagnetic and which are diamagnetic? A blank molecular orbital diagram (Figure 2) has been provided to help you.

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I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based assistant, I'm unable to see or access any diagrams or images. However, I can still provide you with a general guideline to determine the paramagnetic and diamagnetic nature of diatomic species.

In general, diatomic species with unpaired electrons are considered paramagnetic, while those with all paired electrons are considered diamagnetic.

To determine the electron configuration and identify the presence of unpaired electrons, you can refer to the periodic table and Hund's rule. Hund's rule states that orbitals with the same energy level are first singly occupied before pairing occurs.

For example, molecules like O2 and N2 have unpaired electrons, making them paramagnetic. On the other hand, molecules like O2- and N2+ have paired electrons, making them diamagnetic.

Remember, this is a general guideline, and the actual electron configuration and magnetic properties can vary for more complex diatomic species.

To determine which diatomic species are paramagnetic and which are diamagnetic, you can use the molecular orbital diagram provided.

First, let's understand the difference between paramagnetic and diamagnetic species. Paramagnetic substances have unpaired electrons, while diamagnetic substances have all paired electrons.

Now, let's analyze the molecular orbital diagram (Figure 2) provided:

1. Look for unpaired electrons: On the diagram, the molecular orbitals are filled up with electrons following the Aufbau principle (from lowest to highest energy levels) and Hund's rule (filling orbitals with electrons in separate spin before pairing). Count the number of unpaired electrons in each diatomic species.

2. Identify which species are paramagnetic and diamagnetic:
- If a diatomic species has at least one unpaired electron, it is paramagnetic.
- If a diatomic species has all electrons paired, it is diamagnetic.

By applying these steps, you can determine the paramagnetic and diamagnetic species based on the molecular orbital diagram provided.