I am to draft a paper that critically analyzes a current domestic or foreign

political issue of importance to the
United States. I want to write about the
war on terror after the September 11, attacks. Does anyone think this would be a
good topic. If not does anyone have any ideas for topic choices.

The attack on 9/11 is certainly not a current issue since it happened almost 11 years ago.

You might want to research the events of the "War on Terror" that have occurred in the last year -- and are still ongoing.

Current domestic issues include abortion, marriage, divisiveness in Congress, and the Affordable Care Act.

Foreign issues include the war in Afghanistan and what the U.S. should do about the situations in Syria and Egypt.

Analyzing the war on terror after the September 11 attacks is certainly a relevant and important topic for a research paper. It provides a platform to explore various dimensions of the conflict, such as the impact on domestic and foreign policy, human rights concerns, counterterrorism strategies, and the global implications of the United States' response. Here's how you can further assess if this topic would be suitable for your paper:

1. Research existing literature: Begin by conducting a literature review to understand the depth of research already available on this topic. Look for scholarly articles, books, and reputable news sources to gain insights into the different perspectives and arguments surrounding the war on terror.

2. Evaluate the importance: Assess the significance of the war on terror in the United States and its impact on different sectors such as politics, law enforcement, defense, economy, and civil liberties. Consider the lasting effects it has had on both domestic and foreign spheres.

3. Identify potential research questions: Based on your preliminary research, brainstorm some specific research questions that you want to explore in your paper. For example, you could analyze the effectiveness of specific counterterrorism measures, assess the impact on civil liberties and human rights, evaluate geopolitical implications, or investigate the root causes of terrorism.

4. Consult with your instructor or peers: Seek guidance from your instructor or discuss your topic with classmates or colleagues to get feedback and suggestions. They may provide additional insights or alternative ideas that could enhance or refine your approach.

5. Develop a strong thesis statement: Once you have chosen your topic, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the argument or main idea you will be addressing in your paper.

Remember, while the war on terror after the September 11 attacks is a suitable topic, it's essential to narrow down your focus and identify specific aspects you want to critically analyze. This will help you maintain a clear direction and avoid overly broad or generic discussions.