Make a standard table with this data

Table Number: 1

Table Title: Differences in Content for Male and Female Dreams


Male Friendliness 15

Female Friendliness 25

Male Aggression 40

Female Aggression 15

To create a standard table with this data, you can use a variety of software tools such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a table using Microsoft Excel:

1. Open Microsoft Excel on your computer.
2. Create a new workbook or open an existing one where you want to insert the table.
3. In the first row of your worksheet, type the headers for each column. In this case, you would have four columns: "Categories," "Male," "Female," and "Total."
4. In the second row, under the "Categories" column, type "Friendliness" and "Aggression."
5. In the "Male" column, under the "Friendliness" category, enter the value 15. In the same "Male" column but under the "Aggression" category, enter 40.
6. In the "Female" column, under the "Friendliness" category, enter the value 25. In the same "Female" column but under the "Aggression" category, enter 15.
7. Skip the "Total" column for now, as it is not applicable in this case.
8. Format the table by adjusting the column widths and applying any desired formatting such as font style, color, or borders.
9. Optionally, you can apply formulae to calculate the total values in the "Total" column, which represents the sum of corresponding values in the "Male" and "Female" columns.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have created a standard table in Excel with the provided data. You can further customize the table based on your preferences and requirements.