Make a standard table with this data

Table Number: 1

Table Title: Differences in Content for Male and Female Dreams


Male Friendliness 15

Female Friendliness 25

Male Aggression 40

Female Aggression 15

Since these are only nominal scale data, a bar diagram with content on X-axis and frequency on Y-axis would be good.

To create a table with the given data, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the number of columns and rows needed.

Based on the given data, we need two columns: "Category" and "Value," and four rows for the different types of information.

Step 2: Create the table structure.

Title: Differences in Content for Male and Female Dreams

| Category | Value |
| Male Friendliness | 15 |
| Female Friendliness | 25 |
| Male Aggression | 40 |
| Female Aggression | 15 |

Step 3: Fill in the table with the provided data.

Title: Differences in Content for Male and Female Dreams

| Category | Value |
| Male Friendliness | 15 |
| Female Friendliness | 25 |
| Male Aggression | 40 |
| Female Aggression | 15 |

That's it! You have successfully created a standard table with the given data.

To create a standard table with the given data, you can use any tool that allows you to create tables, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or even a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Here's how you can create the table using Microsoft Excel as an example:

1. Open Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet tool.
2. Create four columns for the table: "Category," "Male," "Female," and "Data." Label the first row in each column as follows: "Category," "Male Friendliness," "Female Friendliness," "Male Aggression," and "Female Aggression."
3. Enter the data into their respective cells:

| Category | Male Friendliness | Female Friendliness | Male Aggression | Female Aggression |
| Differences in Content | 15 | 25 | 40 | 15 |
| for Male and Female | | | | |
| Dreams | | | | |

4. Adjust the column width and row height if necessary to ensure all the data is visible and legible.
5. Format the table as desired by applying cell formatting options, such as font styles, borders, or background colors.
6. Save the table as per your preference, either by saving the spreadsheet file or taking a screenshot, if needed.

By following these steps, you can manually create a standard table with the given data.