How does Fr.Giussani defines reason?

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Fr. Giussani defines reason as the faculty of the human mind that allows us to understand and engage with reality. According to him, reason is not limited to logical or analytical thinking, but it also involves intuition, imagination, and the ability to make judgments based on our experience and knowledge.

To further explore Fr. Giussani's definition of reason, you can refer to the following sources:

1. The official website of Communion and Liberation (CL) provides a biography of Fr. Giussani, which gives an overview of his ideas and teachings. You can find it at

2. The Traces website, a publication affiliated with Communion and Liberation, has an article titled "What is Reason?" that explores Fr. Giussani's definition of reason. You can read it at

3. Wikipedia also has a page on Luigi Giussani, which provides an overview of his life, work, and ideas. You can find it at

By reading these sources, you will gain a more comprehensive understanding of how Fr. Giussani defines reason and the context in which he developed his ideas.