how to caculate using a ruler to measure

the thickness of a 25 pages in a textbook

To calculate the thickness of 25 pages in a textbook using a ruler, you need to follow these steps:

1. Prepare the ruler: Make sure your ruler has clear and readable markings.

2. Measure the thickness of a single page: Place the ruler vertically (perpendicular) on a flat surface. Hold the ruler firmly and align the "zero" mark at the bottom edge of the page. Read the measurement on the ruler where the top edge of the page aligns. Note down the measurement.

3. Multiply the measurement: Multiply the measurement you obtained in step 2 by 25. This will give you the cumulative thickness of all 25 pages.

For example, if the measurement of a single page is 0.2 cm, then the thickness of 25 pages would be 0.2 cm x 25 = 5 cm.

Remember to be as precise as possible in taking the measurements to ensure accurate results.