Find the magnitude and direction angle for the given vector.

12√(2), -12√(2)

i got 24; 315

you know that (1,1) = √2,π/4

so, now you have an angle in QIV, so it is


To find the magnitude and direction angle of a vector, we can use the following formulas:

Magnitude = √(x^2 + y^2)
Direction angle = arctan(y/x)

Given the vector (12√2, -12√2), we can substitute the values into the formulas:

Magnitude = √((12√2)^2 + (-12√2)^2)
= √(288 + 288)
= √(576)
= 24

Direction angle = arctan((-12√2)/(12√2))
= arctan(-1)
= -45 degrees (or -π/4 radians)

Therefore, the magnitude of the vector is 24 and the direction angle is -45 degrees (or -π/4 radians).