an iron rod embedded in ice placed in water beaker.what will be level of water when ice melts

so much unspecified:

dimensions of rod?
thickness of ice?
density of ice?
dimensions of beaker?


To determine the level of water when the ice melts, we need to consider the principles of displacement and the difference in density between ice and water.

First, let's break down the steps to get the answer:

1. Determine the displacement of the iron rod.
2. Consider the density of the iron rod and ice.
3. Calculate the change in volume when the ice melts.
4. Find the final water level in the beaker.

1. Determine the displacement of the iron rod:
When the iron rod is placed in water, it displaces a certain volume of water equal to its own volume. This displacement causes the water level to rise.

2. Consider the density of the iron rod and ice:
Since density is mass divided by volume, we need to know the densities of iron and ice to proceed. The density of iron is higher than that of ice.

3. Calculate the change in volume when the ice melts:
When the ice melts, its volume decreases because water is denser than ice. The volume of the ice will be replaced by an equivalent volume of water.

4. Find the final water level in the beaker:
The final water level will depend on the difference between the original displacement of the iron rod and the change in volume due to the melted ice. If the change is greater than the initial displacement, the water level will rise. If the change is less than the initial displacement, the water level will remain the same or possibly decrease.

To calculate the exact final water level, you would need to know the dimensions and density of the iron rod, as well as the initial volume of ice and the water beaker. These variables are required to carry out precise calculations.