1. What is the procedure of voter identification intended to help prevent fraudulent voting and keep the process organized?

A) political socialization
B) registration
C) gerrymandering
D) precinct divisions
E) franchising

2. What do you call all the persons entitled to vote in any given election?
A) registration
B) franchise
C) precinct
D) electorate
E) political party

3. What is another term for "suffrage"?
A) ward divisions
B) registration
C) franchise
D) gerrymandering
E) pain

4.What is the name of the smallest unit of election administration? In other words, what is a neighborhood voting area called?
A) franchise
B) district
C) ward
D) primary
E) precinct

5. What is a group of people who seek to control the government by winning elections?
A) election board
B) lobbyists
C) registrars
D) political party
E) interest group

6. Which of the following is NOT a main function of the major parties in the US?
A) To provide a link between the people and the government
B) To keep the general public informed about key issues
C) To unite the various political groups into one single-issue party
D) To nominate candidates for office

7. The role of the watchdog that political parties play is to...
A) criticizes the policies of the party in power.
B) write a platform that goes well with the party's principles.
C) make sure that their own party's candidates, once elected, perform well.
D) establish guidelines for selecting only ethical candidates.

8. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the US's current two-party system?
A) Need for Americans to have broad choices in elections
B) US custom and tradition
C) Difficulty of third parties to get on state ballots
D) Need for a simple majority in our current electoral system

9. Non-voting is a huge problem in the US because...
A) most voters think that all elections are of equal importance.
B) most Americans do not believe in democracy.
C) many Americans think voting does not make a difference.
D) many illegal aliens vote.

10. When setting voting requirements today, States CAN use...
A) religion.
B) age.
C) gender.
D) race.

11. Today, many States require that all voters...
A) be native-born citizens of the US.
B) be citizens of the US and residents of that State for 30 days or more.
C) have lived in the State for a minimum of two years before an election.
D) be familiar with the candidates and issues before voting.

12. Which of the following is NO LONGER necessary for the right to vote?
A) Registration
B) Citizenship
C) Residency
D) Land Ownership

13. All of the following have been used to keep African Americans from voting EXCEPT...
A) poll taxes.
B) injunctions.
C) threats and social pressure.
D) literacy tests.

14. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was an effort to ensure voting rights for...
A) women.
B) Vietnam veterans.
C) African Americans.
D) college students.

15. Most States do NOT allow __________ to vote.
A) non-English speakers
B) women
C) veterans
D) mentally incompetent persons

16. Women gained the right to vote witht he passing of the ____ Amendment.
A) 14th
B) 19th
C) 26th
D) 15th

17. ALL men, regardless of race, were granted the right to vote with the passing of the ___ Amendment.
A) 14th
B) 15th
C) 26th
D) 19th

18. All US citizens 18 years of age or older were given the right to vote with the passing of the ___ Amendment.
A) 19th
B) 26th
C) 15th
D) 14th

19. the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November is?
A) Presidents Day
B) Veterans Day
C) Election Day
D) Thanksgiving

20. even after the 15th Amendment passed, many African Americans could not vote because of the
A) Political Action Committee
B) Grandfather clause
C) 19th Amendment
D) Voting Rights Act

21. The Founders believed the voters should be
A) the same religion
B) All U.S. citizens
C) politicans
D) white, male property owners

22. These contributions raised questions about how the money was raised
A) soft money
B) poll tax
C) contributions from labor unions
D) contributions from businesses

23. This is vital to the success of United States Democracy
A) poll tax
B) political parties
D) voting

A. Right of Center
B. Left of Center
C. 24th Amentment
D. Federal Election Commission
E. Voting Rights Act
F. 26th Amendment
G. McCain-Feingold Bill
H. Center

Ban on soft money
lowered the voting age
Records Political Contributions
Outlawed literacy tests
outlawed the poll tax

1. B?
2. D?
3. C?
4. C?
5. D?
6. B?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. B?
11. ?
12. D?
13. D?
15. C?
16. B?
17. B?
18. B?
19. C?
20. D?
21. D?
22. A?
23. D?

Of the questions you answered, these are wrong.

4, 6, 13, 15, 20,

Ms. Sue , will you check my answers?

11. B?
24. G ; F ; H ; A ; D ; E ; B ; C ?

I need help with #7 ; #8 ; #9 .

The rest of your answers are correct.


8. A

9. C

so what is the answer to 7? i'm confused by the link

I got every single one wrong Sue

#8 is wrong