x^2+3x-10 divided by x-2

visit calc101.com and click on the "long division" link to see the details of any polynomial division.

i don't know it

i don't know it please teach me

have you visited calc101.com? Polynomial long division is not easy to demonstrate here, due to text formatting. There are lots of articles online, but calc101.com is one of the best. Just click on the link I mentioned and type in your two polynomials. Then click on "DO IT" and see the answer, in full detail. Play around with other polynomials to get a feel for how it really works.

To divide the polynomial expression x^2+3x-10 by x-2, you can use the process of long division. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to do it:

Step 1: Write the dividend (x^2+3x-10) inside the long division bracket, and write the divisor (x-2) outside the bracket.

x - 2 | x^2 + 3x - 10

Step 2: Identify the term in the dividend that can be divided by the first term of the divisor. In this case, x^2 can be divided by x. Write the quotient on top.

x +
x - 2 | x^2 + 3x - 10

Step 3: Multiply the divisor (x-2) by the quotient (x) and write the result below the dividend. Then subtract this result from the corresponding terms of the dividend.

x + 5
x - 2 | x^2 + 3x - 10
- (x^2 - 2x)
5x - 10

Step 4: Bring down the next term from the dividend (5x), and repeat the process.

x + 5
x - 2 | x^2 + 3x - 10
- (x^2 - 2x)
5x - 10
- (5x - 10)

Step 5: Since there are no more terms in the dividend, the division is complete. The final result is x + 5, with a remainder of 0.

Therefore, x^2+3x-10 divided by x-2 equals x + 5.