A cylinder has a radius of 2 feet and a height of 18 feet.

Volume (to the nearest tenth) = a0 cubic feet

i TRIED to work out this problem. The answer I got was 226.3 I used the cylinder volume formula which is π r2 h.!

The computer says my answer is wrong. what am I doing wrong?

V = pi * r^2 * h

V = 3.14 * 4 * 18
V = 226.08 = 226.1


To calculate the volume of a cylinder, you need to use the formula V = πr^2h, where V represents the volume, π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159, r is the radius of the base, and h is the height of the cylinder. Given that the radius is 2 feet and the height is 18 feet, we can substitute these values into the formula:

V = π(2^2)(18)
V = π(4)(18)
V = π(72)
V ≈ 226.195 cubic feet (rounded to the nearest tenth)

It seems like you made a small rounding error. When the answer is to be rounded to the nearest tenth, it should be rounded to one decimal place, resulting in 226.2 cubic feet. Check if you rounded differently or if you used a less accurate approximation for π.