The _________________________ created new religious systems that were not bound to the government.

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don't have any choices

What is your answer? What does your book say?

don't have a book. I don't have a guess this question confuses me

Where are you supposed to find these answers?

The term you are looking for is "Protestant Reformation."

To find this answer, one could start by breaking down the question and identifying the keywords: "created," "new religious systems," "not bound to the government." Based on these keywords, one can infer that the answer might involve a historical event or movement that involved the creation of new religious systems separate from government control.

Next, a search engine or a reliable source, such as a history textbook or article, can be used to gather information about historical events that match the identified keywords. By using search terms like "historical events involving new religious systems" or "religious movements not bound to government," one can narrow down the search results.

In this case, the Protestant Reformation is a significant historical event that fits the description. It was a 16th-century religious movement in Europe initiated by figures like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others, who sought to reform the Christian Church. The reformers questioned the authority of the Catholic Church and established new branches of Christianity, known as Protestantism. These new religious systems were not bound to the authority or control of the government, as they offered alternative religious doctrines and practices.

By using the process of breaking down the question, identifying keywords, and conducting research, one can find the answer and gain a deeper understanding of the topic.