1. When Australia became the federated Commonwealth of Australia in 1901, Sydney and Melbourne

competed to be the capital city. A compromise was reached and _______ became the federal capital in
A. Canberra
B. Brisbane
C. Adelaide
D. Sydney
2. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), AIDS is listed as the _______ main cause of global
A. fourth
B. eighth
C. second
D. third
3. The lowlands west of Australia's eastern mountain range are drained by the Murray-Darling River
system, with its main headwaters in the Great _______ Basin.
A. Artesian
B. Dividing
C. Darling
D. Barrier
4. Slum areas called shantytowns occur in _________ major African cities, housing over _________
percent of urban populations.
A. some; 40
B. nearly all; 60
C. five major; 50
D. all; 70
5. With respect to Australia's aboriginal peoples, animistic religious beliefs are characterized by _______
A. sun
B. nature
C. ancestor
D. sky-god
6. A major objective of the South Pacific Forum founded in 1971 was
A. reconciling diverse cultural heritages.
B. expanding the copra trade.
C. stopping French nuclear testing in the region.
D. identifying and resolving human rights concerns in the region.
7. The Great _______ Range, running just inland along Australia's eastern coast, is that continent's only
significant mountain chain.
A. Australian
B. Barrier
C. Dividing
D. Eastern
8. At independence, the most prosperous country of former French Western Africa was
A. Benin.
B. Senegal.
C. Côte d'Ivoire.
D. Chad.
9. Which of the following is true of the Antarctic Treaty System?
A. It bans commercial mining in Antarctica.
B. It was established specifically to enforce ecological regulations.
C. It's actually the Society for the Geographic Exploration of Antarctica.
D. It provides the de facto governance of the continent.
10. With respect to global connections, association with _______ offers the brightest immediate future for
many African countries.
A. China
B. the United States.
C. the European Union.
D. India
11. What are the "many islands" people also called?
A. Micronesians
B. Polynesians
C. Aborigines
D. Melanesians
12. The natural vegetation regions of sub-Saharan Africa
A. don't correspond closely to climatic regions.
B. are all characteristic of equatorial latitudes.
C. are heavily impacted by human activity.
D. only correspond to climatic conditions in areas of West Africa.
13. Tourism is the _______ industry in the world.
A. fourth-largest
B. third-largest
C. largest
D. second-largest
14. In the 1970s, the island of Nauru had one of the highest per capita incomes in the Oceania region due
to extensive _______ mining.
A. phosphate
B. copper
C. gold
D. nickel
15. In the Southern subregion of sub-Saharan Africa, which country is mainly covered by the Kalahari
A. Botswana
B. Namibia
C. Zambia
D. Mozambique
16. As of 2008, the population of Australia was 21.3 million, and the population of New Zealand was
closer to ________ million.
A. 4
B. 12
C. 8
D. 10
17. The zone along the southern margins of the Sahara is called the
A. Sahel.
B. Veldt.
C. Savannah.
D. Laterite.
18. Australian vegetation is dominated by various species of acacia and
A. eucalyptus.
B. ores.
C. cacti.
D. marsupials.
End of exam
19. In Oceania, most towns began as
A. tribal ritual centers.
B. colonial ports.
C. plantations.
D. capital cities.
20. In sub-Saharan Africa, female genital mutilation is
A. unheard of in Central Africa and Namibia.
B. most common in northern countries of the region.
C. uncommon in Nigeria.
D. rare in Mali.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

As of 2008, the population of Australia was 21.3 million, and the population of New Zealand was closer to ________ million

A major objective of the South Pacific Forum founded in 1971 was

A. identifying and resolving human rights concerns in the region.
B. reconciling diverse cultural heritages.
C. stopping French nuclear testing in the region.
D. expanding the copra trade.

1. The answer to question 1 is A. Canberra. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the history of Australia's federal capital. Sydney and Melbourne competed to be the capital city, but a compromise was reached, and the federal capital became Canberra in 1928.

2. The answer to question 2 is D. third. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the World Health Organization's rankings of causes of global deaths. According to the WHO, AIDS is listed as the third main cause of global deaths.

3. The answer to question 3 is A. Artesian. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the drainage system and headwaters of the Murray-Darling River in Australia. The main headwaters are in the Great Artesian Basin.

4. The answer to question 4 is A. some; 40. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the occurrence of shantytowns in major African cities and the percentage of urban populations living in them. Some major African cities have slum areas called shantytowns, housing over 40% of urban populations.

5. The answer to question 5 is C. ancestor. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the religious beliefs of Australia's aboriginal peoples. Animistic religious beliefs are characterized by ancestor worship.

6. The answer to question 6 is C. stopping French nuclear testing in the region. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the major objectives of the South Pacific Forum, which was founded in 1971. One of the major objectives was to stop French nuclear testing in the region.

7. The answer to question 7 is C. Dividing. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the significant mountain chain along Australia's eastern coast. The Great Dividing Range is that continent's only significant mountain chain.

8. The answer to question 8 is C. Côte d'Ivoire. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the most prosperous country of former French Western Africa at the time of independence. Côte d'Ivoire was the most prosperous country.

9. The answer to question 9 is A. It bans commercial mining in Antarctica. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the characteristics of the Antarctic Treaty System. One of the characteristics is that it bans commercial mining in Antarctica.

10. The answer to question 10 is A. China. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the country that offers the brightest immediate future for many African countries in terms of global connections. China is often seen as a major opportunity for African countries.

11. The answer to question 11 is B. Polynesians. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the "many islands" people who are also called Polynesians.

12. The answer to question 12 is C. are heavily impacted by human activity. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the characteristics of the natural vegetation regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Human activity heavily impacts these regions.

13. The answer to question 13 is C. largest. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the size ranking of the tourism industry in the world. Tourism is the largest industry.

14. The answer to question 14 is A. phosphate. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the reason behind Nauru's high per capita income in the 1970s. Extensive phosphate mining contributed to their prosperity.

15. The answer to question 15 is A. Botswana. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the country mainly covered by the Kalahari Desert in the Southern subregion of sub-Saharan Africa. Botswana is mainly covered by the Kalahari Desert.

16. The answer to question 16 is C. 8. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the population of Australia and New Zealand in 2008. The population of Australia was 21.3 million, and the population of New Zealand was closer to 8 million.

17. The answer to question 17 is A. Sahel. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the name of the zone along the southern margins of the Sahara. The zone is called the Sahel.

18. The answer to question 18 is A. eucalyptus. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the dominant vegetation species in Australia. Various species of acacia and eucalyptus dominate Australian vegetation.

19. The answer to question 19 is B. colonial ports. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the origins of most towns in Oceania. Many towns in Oceania began as colonial ports.

20. The answer to question 20 is B. most common in northern countries of the region. To find the answer, you can use the information given in the question and search for the prevalence of female genital mutilation in sub-Saharan Africa. It is most common in northern countries of the region.