Given w=2+2i and v=−5√3+5i,

vw^2 can be expressed as r*(cos(α∘)+i*sin(α∘)),

where r is a real number and 0≤α≤360. What is the value of r+α?

i found

-80i(1/2sqrt(3) -i)

then i found that r= 80 and α is -120∘

but r+a must be positive integer

where is the wrong one

vw^2 = (2√2,45°)(2,150°)^2

= (2√2,45°)(4,300°)
= (8√2,345°)

To find the value of vw^2, we need to first calculate the product of w and w, and then multiply the result by v.

1. Find the product of w and w:
w * w = (2 + 2i) * (2 + 2i)

Using the FOIL method (First, Outer, Inner, Last):
w * w = 2 * 2 + 2 * 2i + 2i * 2 + 2i * 2i
= 4 + 4i + 4i - 4
= 4 + 8i - 4
= 8i

2. Multiply the result by v:
vw^2 = (8i) * (-5√3 + 5i)

Apply the distributive property:
vw^2 = -40√3i - 40i^2 + 40i^2

vw^2 = -40√3i

So, vw^2 can be expressed as -40√3i.

To express it in the desired form, r*(cos(α∘) + i*sin(α∘)), we can set r = -40√3 and α = 90°.

Therefore, r + α = -40√3 + 90 = -2√3 + 90.