1. Please call me at 123-4567.

2. Please call at 123-4567.
3. Please call 123-4567.
4. Please dial me at 123-4567.
5. Please dial at 123-4567.
6. Please dial 123-4567.

(Which ones are not grammatical? Which ones are grammatical? Thank you.)

5 is definitely not correct.

1 is best.

We don't use "dial" any more since phones have had push buttons, not dials, for many years.

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Find the mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the data

98 132 295 68 176 89 287 198 94 68 240 94 369 94 155

Out of the six statements provided, all of them are grammatically correct. They follow the general structure of a command or request, which is followed by a verb (call or dial) and a phone number (123-4567). However, the use of the word "me" in statements 1 and 4 is redundant, as it is already implied that the call or dialing action is directed towards the speaker. The word "at" can also be omitted in all statements, as it is not necessary to specify the location of the call or dialing action. Thus, statements 2, 3, 5, and 6 are more concise.