Sandra is not really good at painting and drawing, but she loves to spend her spare time "dabbling" as she calls it. If her products are not successful according to aesthetic standards, why does she continue to draw and paint?

A. She is attempting to reduce a primary drive.
B. Her behavior is a result of extrinsic motivation.
C. Her behavior is a result of intrinsic motivation.
D. Drawing and painting satisfy her arousal level.



To determine why Sandra continues to draw and paint despite not being good at it, we can analyze her motivation behind this behavior. There are different types of motivation that can drive her actions: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an activity for external rewards or incentives, such as praise, recognition, or tangible rewards. However, in this scenario, there is no mention of any external factors driving Sandra's behavior, so we can rule out option B (Her behavior is a result of extrinsic motivation).

On the other hand, intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an activity simply because it is enjoyable, satisfying, or fulfilling in itself. This is often driven by personal interests, curiosity, or a sense of accomplishment. In Sandra's case, she continues to draw and paint despite not being good at it because she finds joy and satisfaction in the process itself, even if the results do not meet aesthetic standards. This aligns with option C (Her behavior is a result of intrinsic motivation).

Hence, the correct answer is C. Her behavior is a result of intrinsic motivation. Sandra continues to engage in drawing and painting because she enjoys the activity, regardless of the outcome.