18. Exponential growth follows the formula y= a(1+r)^x and exponential decay follows the formula y= a (1-r)^x. False?

23. In controlled experiments, the researcher is able to find a casual relationship between the variables- True

27. The explanatory and response variables in an experiment make up the hypothesis. True or False, not sure.

18. False. The correct formulas for exponential growth and decay are:

Exponential growth: y = a * e^(kx)
Exponential decay: y = a * e^(-kx)

In these formulas, "a" represents the initial value, "k" represents the constant growth or decay rate, and "x" represents the time or number of periods.

23. True. In controlled experiments, researchers can manipulate and control the independent variable, which allows them to determine if there is a causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables. This is one of the strengths of controlled experiments.

27. False. The explanatory and response variables in an experiment do not make up the hypothesis. The explanatory variable, also known as the independent variable, is the variable that the researcher manipulates or controls. The response variable, also known as the dependent variable, is the variable that is measured or observed in response to changes in the independent variable. The hypothesis, on the other hand, is a statement or prediction about the relationship between the variables being studied. It is based on prior knowledge or observations and serves as a starting point for the research.