In terms of the general adaptation syndrome, the body prepares for a long, drawn-out battle during the ______ stage.

A. resistance
B. fight-or-flight
C. alarm
D. exhaustion



What does your book say?

resistance stage

To answer this question correctly, we need to understand the stages of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). The general adaptation syndrome is a concept introduced by Hans Selye, which describes the body's response to stress.

The three stages of the general adaptation syndrome are:

1. Alarm stage: This is the initial stage when the body first recognizes a stressor and activates the fight-or-flight response. During this stage, stress hormones are released, heart rate and breathing increase, and the body enters a state of heightened alertness.

2. Resistance stage: After the body's initial response in the alarm stage, it enters the resistance stage. In this stage, the body attempts to adapt to the stressor and restore normal functioning while reserving energy. The body remains on high alert and continues to release stress hormones to help cope with the stressor.

3. Exhaustion stage: If the stressor persists for an extended period and the body fails to adapt, it eventually enters the exhaustion stage. In this stage, the body's resources become depleted, and there is a decline in physical and mental functioning. Individuals may experience fatigue, illness, and weakened immune responses.

Based on this understanding of the stages, the correct answer to the question is D. The body prepares for a long, drawn-out battle during the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome, as the resources become depleted and the body's ability to cope with the stressor diminishes.