Find the sum of all primes p, such that p divides u(p), where u(p) is the p-th Fibonacci number.

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To find the sum of all primes p such that p divides u(p), where u(p) is the p-th Fibonacci number, you need to follow these steps:

1. Generate a list of prime numbers:
- Use a prime number generator algorithm or a sieve to generate a list of prime numbers up to a certain limit. For example, you can use the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm.

2. Find the p-th Fibonacci number:
- Implement an algorithm to calculate the p-th Fibonacci number. You can use either a recursive approach or an iterative approach.

3. Check if p divides the p-th Fibonacci number:
- For each prime number p in the list obtained in step 1, calculate the p-th Fibonacci number using the algorithm from step 2.
- Check if p divides the p-th Fibonacci number by calculating the modulus of the p-th Fibonacci number with p.
- If the modulus is 0, then p divides the p-th Fibonacci number. Add the prime number p to a running sum.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all prime numbers in the list.

5. Return the sum of all primes obtained in step 3.

It's important to note that finding the sum of all primes satisfying this condition might require considerable computational effort, especially for larger values of p. Therefore, it may be a time-consuming task depending on the limit you set for generating the prime numbers and the number of primes you want to consider.