If you want to teach whole classes how to use computers, where is the best place to locate the computers?

In a lab

Non system disc means

A disc that doesn't have programs on it = my guess.

When choosing the location for teaching whole classes how to use computers, there are a few factors to consider:

1. Classroom Setting: It is ideal to have a dedicated classroom or computer lab specifically designed for computer-based instruction. This space should have enough desks or workstations to accommodate all students comfortably.

2. Electrical Outlets and Internet Access: Ensure that the selected location has sufficient electrical outlets to power all the computers. Additionally, access to a stable and high-speed internet connection is crucial, as it is essential for online research and accessing educational resources.

3. Infrastructure: Consider the availability of network infrastructure, such as network switches, cables, and routers, to ensure proper connectivity between all computers and peripheral devices.

4. Accessibility: Choose a location that is easily accessible for students, considering factors like distance, transportation, and safety. It should also comply with any accessibility requirements, such as ramps or elevators for students with disabilities.

5. Noise Control: Opt for a location that minimizes external noise and distractions, allowing students to concentrate better and hear instructions clearly.

6. Security: Ensure the location provides adequate security measures, such as locked cabinets or security cameras, to safeguard the computers from theft and damage.

7. Furniture and Ergonomics: Select ergonomic furniture that promotes proper posture and comfort for students during long computer sessions. Proper seating arrangements and adjustable desks or chairs are important considerations.

8. Collaboration and Interaction: Choose a layout that promotes collaboration and interaction among students, such as clustered workstations or shared tables, enabling them to work together and learn from one another.

Once you have considered these factors, you can locate the computers in a suitable space within your establishment, whether it be a dedicated computer lab, a classroom with computers integrated into the learning environment, or any other location that fulfills the requirements mentioned above.